Winemaking Information
How to Make Homemade Wine and Recipes

Winemaking was probably first discovered by accident when early man experienced the pleasures of alcohol that had been fermented by natural yeast from badly stored fruits.
Today amateur winemaking is enjoyed by thousands of people throughout the world. Wine consists of flavouring, sugar, acid, tannin and yeast but above all water. The whole production of the wine has to be nurtured to perfection and this winemaking process must not be rushed. Further information on
Winemaking Ingredients.
Good wines can be made from almost anything provided that the juice is properly adjusted. Wines can be made from fruits, vegetables, leaves, flowers, cereals, and tea leaves and by adding the right amount of yeast, acid, and tannin where needed, a satisfying wine will result. Further information on
Winemaking Recipes.
How to Make Wine
The general winemaking process is as follows:
- Boil or soak flavour and place in a bucket.
- Add the sugar and when cool add the yeast and ferment for approximately five days (this can be shorter or longer depending on the recipe). Keep the brew closely covered.
- Strain the liquid into a demijohn and fit the airlock. The liquid should be filled to within an inch of the cork.
- Keep the bottle in a warm area and allow the fermentation to continue until all the bubbles cease and the wine is clear.
- Siphon off the wine from the lees or yeast sediment and place jar in a cooler environment. This procedure should be repeated within a month or so until fermentation has completely ceased and the wine is stable.
- When the wine is approximately six months old it should be ready to bottle. Cork the bottles and store them in a cool temperature, preferably on their sides.